Sunday, October 07, 2007

Flashlight PDA

I was in high school (~1997?) and asked my classmate about this: Why not build a PDA/Laptop in the shape of a flashlight which projects the screen wherever you point it (correcting the focus and aspect ratio distortions on the fly by measuring the distances to the surface, like a camera's autofocus system). I told him the pressable trackball would be under your thumb.

The small pressable trackball has of course been now popularized by the Blackberry Pearl cell phone. The focusing and the distortion correction could now be done by a camera that would let the pda know if the projected screen is a perfect rectangle. More importantly of course is that small projectors are now finally being built. Explay is a company that demonstrated one recently. So, now, at the end of 2007 it is all coming together... Yet - where is my "flashlight" PDA?

And here it is: Epoq EGP-PP01 KIRF - now shipping 8/25/2008 (It only took ~10 years)

And another one: Samsung Show i7410


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